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About Me & LDW

Dreaming with love in mind

The Booth Western Art Museum

Art has always been something that I loved to do. When I was little, my mom signed me up for all of the summer camps she could at my local art museum so I could try out screen printing, papier-mâché, tile mosaics, pottery, weaving, knitting, and plenty of historically themed classes. I loved it. I spent most time during the summers going to those camps and in the winters I would spend a lot of time trying to figure out which classes I wanted to take and I eventually went back there to volunteer, and it was the place where I took up my first internship.


It was there I met my favorite teacher, Mr. Kent, who I accredit in the back of my mind for a lot of my determination and resilience when it comes to art and making art. I always had a love-hate relationship with him, but as I got older, it became more of love. He was a teacher above all else and he was one who never let me settle when it came to my art and a person who watched me grow in my art and I am very thankful for him and how he always had me chase after my plans and my dreams when it was much easier for me to simply give up.

My Many Different Mediums

My favorite medium is crochet, but it hasn't always been. I learned to crochet one night when I was 8 but it didn't stick with me long as I got extremely frustrated very quickly & easily. My passions throughout the years have changed; I've hyper-fixated on many things in my day. As a Gen Z girly, I had a rainbow loom phase (this was my first experience with my entrepreneur side). The coolest contraption I ever owned was a Loop-de-Loom, which made weaving super easy. I had a knitting phase, but it wasn't for me. I ended up settling on crocheting in about 8th grade and sewing in about 11th & 12th. This is where Labor Day Weekend was born.

Why "Labor Day Weekend"?

I'm sure you're expecting (and maybe hoping for) a very simple answer.  "Labor Day Weekend is a good holiday." "Maybe that's the weekend she goes to the lake with her family." Any of those would suffice. But actually, this weekend holds a big significance for me.​

​It started back in 2021. I had my first taste of what seemed like love. That boyfriend turned out to not be all that great. We broke up. I was crushed. Blah, Blah, Blah. Before long, rebound began to set in and I found company with a not so kind man who I thought was cool, but he was just a serious case of rebound. Our story would only last about 1 to 2 weeks, coming to an abrupt end on the weekend before Labor Day. 


In my hometown, there is an annual fair that takes place on the weekend before Labor Day with the last day of the fair being on Monday on Labor Day. Every year that I would go to it, I would just have an OK time, but this year was different. I had planned to go to the fair with some girlfriends of mine that Monday and I was over at one of their houses when I cut off communication with the rebound boy. That night, we all got ready for the fair and I had never felt more free in my life. I had a great time with all of my friends and I enjoyed the present time I had. I hadn’t done that in a long time, if I ever had. The feeling was almost euphoric, but my main feeling was thankfulness. I was grateful to God that I was at where I was at. Life had never felt so blissful. 

The moments & the days leading up to the fair were not all that great--they were terrifying. But I don't think my time at the fair would have been as good if I didn't experience all of it beforehand. I had to go through the bad to see the good and to feel the bliss. So that's where the name "Labor Day Weekend" comes from. That was a time that flipped a switch in my heart, mind, body, and soul. The prior situations could have eternally consumed me (and for a while, they did), but I decided to turn it into something good. I couldn't dwell in that forever. So I made a brand out of it.



Welcome to Labor Day Weekend. I hope you like what you see. I hope you stick around. But most importantly, I hope you see the good in your situations, too. Jesus loves you. Have a great day.

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