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Shipping & Returns


How long does it take to ship?

Shipping depends on each items. Each item is made to order, so I cannot ship the item until you order it and I make it. For the most part, each item should take about 2-4 weeks to ship after your purchase date. This is due to the time it takes to gather the materials and make the item. I will complete your item as soon as possible, so it may be shipped 


Shipping usually lasts 1-5 days, depending on the U.S. Postal Service. You can personally request expedited shipping and I can try to complete & ship your item by the date requested with an additional charge. 

Return & Exchange

Since each item is made to order, I do not accept returns and I cannot make you a new item unless you purchase a new item. 


If I have not made something that meets your expectations, please reach out to me and explain. If I have made a blatant mistake, like giving you a Georgia State hoodie when you clearly asked for a University of Georgia hoodie, I will of course make you a new hoodie, but I will need to have you send the piece I originally shipped to you back to me. 

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